An animated cartoon for kids living in a HD family

The Broken Doll is the first cartoon for kids whose parents are affected by Huntington’s Disease (HD).

The main character’s - a 8 year old female child - favourite doll is a small lion: they are together in all the most important moments (god and bad times) and the doll always offers emotional support to her.


The Broken Doll is the first cartoon for kids whose parents are affected by Huntington’s Disease (HD).

The main character’s - a 8 year old female child - favourite doll is a small lion: they are together in all the most important moments (god and bad times) and the doll always offers emotional support to her.

The lion uses its own experience as a doll to explain to the girl what’s going on with her sick mother, who is not anymore the person she used to be, exactly like the doll which is broken because of an accident.

At the end, the child is able to emotionally reconnect with her mother thanks to a new awareness gained with the help of the lion, whom she trusts.

The main character is drawn in a way that makes every kid (male and female) identify in it. The cartoon is intended to be a tool to help children understand the physical and behavioural changes occurring in the parent because of HD. The cartoon may also help other kids - like friends or relatives – and their parents.

La protagonista è stata disegnata in maniera tale che sia le bambine che i bambini si possano ugualmente immedesimare e riconoscere nella storia.

Il cartone è stato prodotto sia in lingua italiana che inglese, per intercettare un pubblico più ampio.

Pur rivolgendosi principalmente ai minori coinvolti direttamente dalla malattia di Huntington, è un utile strumento di comprensione anche per gli altri bambini (amici, conoscenti, compagni di scuola) oltre che per i loro genitori.

The lion is a symbol of positive qualities such as strength, pride, bravery.


“The broken doll. An animated cartoon for kids living in a HD family” is a NOI Huntington – La Rete italiana dei giovani Association project. The cartoon was made by Macine – Motion Pictures Production (Greece) with the scientific supervision of LIRH Foundation and the financial support of Roche Foundation. Fondazione LIRH e con il contributo di Fondazione Roche.

È stato prodotto da Macine – Motion Pictures Production, Grecia.



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